BOO_ The necessary transition towards a circular, healthy and environmentally friendly construction environment.

After more than two decades working on the ecological revolution in architecture, we are pleased that the commitment to bamboo as a mediating tool in achieving it is now a tangible reality.

Bam-BOO was born with the idea of ​​walk together those architecture projects that try to atend aesthetic, environmental and economic demands as a pleasant experience. This unlimited resource is the better ally for them.



BOO can present today a large range of avant-garde and sophisticated materials. We have a complete range of processed bamboo products from the bamboo cane, for inside and ouside, for construction or its application in construction processes working together other materials.



BOO offers a complete collection of bamboo products for people who look for inspiration. All these products  make the difference doing each work unique and different. These are current, versatile and functional products that stand out for their quality and exclusivity.



Bamboo is the commitment to a future that does not compromise natural resources. Thanks to innovation and its innate properties, it is positioned as an excellent option compared to Wood. It is the sustainable component for each small, medium or large architectural project.

BOO has a team of professionals with a large experience and knowledge, who provide integrated and personalized solutions, achieving optimal, resistant and long-lasting results.

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